Module 1: HTML Fundamentals

- Basics of HTML: Understanding the structure and syntax of Hypertext Markup Language.

- Formatting and Fonts: Applying text formatting, font styles, and sizes in HTML.

- Commenting Code: Adding comments to HTML code for better understanding and collaboration.

- Color: Incorporating colors using hexadecimal codes and color names.

- Hyperlink and Lists: Creating hyperlinks to navigate between web pages and organizing content with ordered and unordered lists.

- Tables and Images: Designing tables for data representation and embedding images in web pages.

- Forms: Building interactive forms to collect user input.

- XHTML and Meta Tags: Introduction to XHTML standards and incorporating meta tags for SEO.

- Character Entities: Using special character entities for symbols and characters not directly supported in HTML.

- Frames and Frame Sets: Implementing frames and frame sets for dividing the browser window into multiple sections.

- Browser Architecture and Website Structure: Understanding how web browsers render HTML documents and organizing website structure for optimal user experience.

Module 2: CSS Essentials

- Introduction to CSS: Understanding the need for Cascading Style Sheets and their basic syntax.

- Using CSS: Applying CSS rules to HTML elements for styling and layout.

- Background Images and Colors: Setting background images and colors for web pages.

- Manipulating Texts and Fonts: Styling text content and incorporating different font families.

- Borders, Boxes, Margins, and Padding: Configuring border properties, box model, and spacing around elements.

- Lists and Positioning: Styling lists and positioning elements using CSS.

- Introduction to Bootstrap: Overview of the Bootstrap framework for responsive and mobile-first web development.

Module 3: JavaScript and jQuery

- Client-side Scripting with JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript programming language for client-side scripting.

- Variables, Functions, Conditions, and Loops: Understanding JavaScript variables, functions, conditional statements, and loops.

- Pop-up Boxes and Advanced JavaScript: Utilizing pop-up boxes for user interaction and exploring advanced JavaScript concepts.

- DOM Manipulation: Interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM) for dynamic content manipulation.

- Forms and Validations: Implementing form validations and processing user inputs.

- Introduction to jQuery: Overview of the jQuery library for simplifying JavaScript tasks and DOM manipulation.

Module 4: Full Stack Development with PHP

- Introduction to PHP: Basics of PHP programming language including syntax and data types.

- Decision and Looping Structures: Implementing decision-making and looping constructs in PHP.

- PHP and HTML Integration: Integrating PHP code with HTML for dynamic web content generation.

- Arrays and Functions: Working with arrays and creating reusable functions in PHP.

- Form Processing and File Handling: Handling form submissions and file operations using PHP.

- Cookies, Sessions, and Database Interaction: Managing user sessions, handling cookies, and interacting with databases using PHP.

- XAMPP Server Configuration: Configuring and setting up XAMPP server for local web development environment.

Module 5: Web Development Concepts

- Concepts of WWW, Internet, and HTTP Protocol: Understanding the fundamentals of the World Wide Web, Internet, and HTTP communication protocol.

- Web 2.0 Features: Exploring the features and characteristics of Web 2.0 applications.

- Effective Web Design Principles: Addressing web design issues including browser compatibility, bandwidth optimization, display resolution, and user-centric design.

- Website Planning and Publishing: Planning, designing, and publishing websites with effective navigation and user experience.

- Introduction to Content Management Systems (CMS): Overview of CMS platforms for managing website content efficiently.

Module 6: Advanced Web Technologies

- Ajax, AngularJS, JSON: Introduction to advanced web technologies including Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), AngularJS framework, and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for data interchange.