After completion of the course the students will be able to:

CO1: Understand the basics of the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence.

CO2: Learn the basics of Artificial Intelligence programming.

CO3: Understand various searching techniques use to solve the AI problems.

CO4: Apply knowledge representation techniques and problem-solving strategies to common AI applications.

CO5: Build self-learning and research skills to tackle a topic of interest on his/her own or as part of a team.

CO6: Apply the knowledge of AI and agents in developing multidisciplinary real world projects.

TCS 761 Cloud Infrastructure Services

4. Pre-requisite: TCS 4045.

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course students will be able to

1.Discuss the classes of computers, and new trends and developments in computer architecture

2.Study advanced performance enhancement techniques such as pipelines ,dynamic scheduling branch predictions, caches

3.Compare and contrast the modern computer architectures such asRISC, Scalar, and multi CPU systems

4.Critically evaluate the performance of different CPU architecture

5.Improve the performance of applications running on different cpu architectures.6.Develop applications for high performance computing systems