After completion of the course, the students will be able to:

CO1: Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content, and process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity, and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in society.

CO2: Distinguish between the Self and the Body, and understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self and the Co-existence of Self and Body.

CO3: Understand the value of harmonious relationships based on trust, respect, and other naturally acceptable feelings.

CO4: Apply in human-human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society.

CO5: Create harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in nature.

CO6: Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.